We have two options: To stay in bed and wallow in the reality that we aren't working and having no idea what the future brings or see this as an opportunity to build connections with existing clients and possibly new ones. Why waste the time we've been given? Why not take this as an opportunity to maintain or deepen our connections to our clients? Social distancing doesn't mean we have to cut off communication. It simply means we are physically distancing from each other, not emotionally. We are social creatures so it is only natural to want and enjoy people but for the time being, here are 6 simple ways to stay in touch:

Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine
Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine

1. Send your clients a handwritten letter or personalized email letting them know how much you appreciate their business and miss them! This personal touch will go a long way.

Via Vanessa McCullough

Via Vanessa McCullough

2. Post on Instagram or Facebook about something your clients can do to take care of their nails while they are at home. Have fun with it! Then, link them back to your services and/or products.

Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine
Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine

3. Add positive thoughts on your social media to share with your clients. Inspire them to take care of themselves during this hard time. This will show them that you care about them as a person, plus people are looking at social media more than ever with the extra time.

Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine
Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine

4. Try a virtual happy hour with other co-workers or others that inspire you. This is virtual networking!

Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine
Six Ways to Stay Connected to Clients During Quarantine

5. Try calling your clients to check on them during this time. Remind them that you care about them and their well-being. I bet they will be rushing into see you after you go the extra mile once they can.

6. Post about another local business to show ways you can support them. This shows your clients and network how important it is to support your business too during this time. 

Let's not waste time. Is this a difficult situation? Yes. There is no denying this but let's shift our mindset towards controlling what we can do about it. I look forward to seeing the creative ways everyone is growing!


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